I found an interesting article recently on www.americanthinker.com. Just a fantastic website for someone of my conservative leanings. Basically, the writer asks where in the Constitution the Democrats find that allows them to pass a Bill for Public Health Care. In the words of Boondock Saints .... no where. Pelosi, when asked this question, responded to the reporter with, "Are you kidding me?" The very thought was so completely out of her mind that she didn't know how to respond. You know, Madam Speaker. That one document that strictly lays out what Congress can and cannot do. Anyway, the following article is the one I'm talking about.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Dear President Obama,
Welcome to the idealistic crossroads. It's a place many liberal AND conservatives find themselves once they have won the battle of ideas, and gotten elected. Sometimes, those things that seemed to morally repugnant to you while campaigning ... does not seem so bad. Take the most recent speech of the president's. Peel back the layers of ideological babble, and find ... nothing has changed. The Bay is still open, and you still have no where to store it's prisoners. It must have been such a disappointment when Congress rejected your idea of closing Gitmo and transferring the prisoners of war ... err ... men stuck there to American soil. You find that when it comes time to act, liberal principles quickly find themselves lacking. I know that it is much easier for me to sit here on my laptop and theorize X and Y, and pontificate about how I believe conservatism is the answer to our problems. The truth of the matter is, Mr. President, is that you know as much as I that sometimes we must do things that we find repugnant in order to protect the common good. I am not advocating this as the first response ... indeed, anyone who quickly steps in that directly should be seen for the monster that they are. But sometimes, when a principled people are confronted by men so thoroughly motivated by hate that all reason has deserted them, a more direct response is called for. I agree that torture is monstrous, and has no place in US policy. But sitting someone in a cell, while being tortuous, is far and above what they would do in opposite circumstances.
Truly, Mr. President, we are men of action. Lies do not become us. I understand that you must demean ex-President Bush for his actions in order to explain yours, and sometimes rightfully so ... but in this case I feel you should own your own actions. You now see why Gitmo was, and still is, an important instrument in our fight against al Qaeda. This talk of closing an effective strategy only emboldens our enemies. The only places that will take the men there are countries that we know cannot handle, willfully or otherwise, the men taken under their care.
**a rough draft, but given that his speech was today, I feel I should try and get it out ASAP. I will return to try and proofread later**
Welcome to the idealistic crossroads. It's a place many liberal AND conservatives find themselves once they have won the battle of ideas, and gotten elected. Sometimes, those things that seemed to morally repugnant to you while campaigning ... does not seem so bad. Take the most recent speech of the president's. Peel back the layers of ideological babble, and find ... nothing has changed. The Bay is still open, and you still have no where to store it's prisoners. It must have been such a disappointment when Congress rejected your idea of closing Gitmo and transferring the prisoners of war ... err ... men stuck there to American soil. You find that when it comes time to act, liberal principles quickly find themselves lacking. I know that it is much easier for me to sit here on my laptop and theorize X and Y, and pontificate about how I believe conservatism is the answer to our problems. The truth of the matter is, Mr. President, is that you know as much as I that sometimes we must do things that we find repugnant in order to protect the common good. I am not advocating this as the first response ... indeed, anyone who quickly steps in that directly should be seen for the monster that they are. But sometimes, when a principled people are confronted by men so thoroughly motivated by hate that all reason has deserted them, a more direct response is called for. I agree that torture is monstrous, and has no place in US policy. But sitting someone in a cell, while being tortuous, is far and above what they would do in opposite circumstances.
Truly, Mr. President, we are men of action. Lies do not become us. I understand that you must demean ex-President Bush for his actions in order to explain yours, and sometimes rightfully so ... but in this case I feel you should own your own actions. You now see why Gitmo was, and still is, an important instrument in our fight against al Qaeda. This talk of closing an effective strategy only emboldens our enemies. The only places that will take the men there are countries that we know cannot handle, willfully or otherwise, the men taken under their care.
**a rough draft, but given that his speech was today, I feel I should try and get it out ASAP. I will return to try and proofread later**
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
This is why Wikipedia is not a good source.
Monday, May 4, 2009
More on Swine Flu
Let's look at the numbers, according to ABC News. LA County had 3 confirmed cases, with a population of 9.8 million (all pop. numbers are according to the CA website and are based off the 2007 Census). Ventura County have 4 probable cases, non confirmed, with a pop. of 798, 000. Riverside County have 2 confirmed cases, with a pop. of 2 million. San Bernardino County has 1 confirmed case, with a pop. of 2 million. That's 6 confirmed cases within a population of 14 million people. I don't even know how to compute that percentage. Why is there such a noise being made about this? The next segment, tied in with the swine flu story, complained about the mass of people who are storming hospitals with "flu-like" symptoms. Really? You think? Well, color me surprised. /scarcasm off.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The Obama Web thickens
SO Crysler went belly up recently. This should surprise no one. Of course, no one probably even noticed, due to this "Swine Flu Pandemic". What a joke. I turned on CNN the other day, and the talking heads there were trying on masks. Are you kidding me? Less then 200 people have gotten sick from this "pandemic", and the only person to die was a Mexican baby who had come up North to try and get better medical attention. Out of the 304 million something people in the US, we have 150 odd people sick from something, and it's an emergency? I mentioned my minor outrage to a friend, and he told me that he'd rather it was an overreaction then an under reaction. That's fair, but it's going to be like the boy who cried wolf.
**Edit** At this point I was offered a delicious Sunday morning breakfast cinnamon roll. If there's a slight disruption of logical flow, I apologize, and blame the roll. **edit**
If the government, and the media, react this way to a non crisis, what's going to happen when something really dangerous happens? Are we going to become accustomed to this chronic over-reaction, and just assume it's the same non exciting event? Paranoids of the world have no place to be in my government, or my media for that matter. But to be fair, it stopped being my media quite a long time ago, and "my" government suffers from the same malady.
I was talking to a client of mine who is a nurse, and has been for quite some time, about what would happen if the government took over health care. She was adamantly against it. She knew someone in Canada, which has government sponsored health care, that had to wait 6 weeks for cancer treatment. F*ck that. Free crappy health care < expensive good care.
**Edit** At this point I was offered a delicious Sunday morning breakfast cinnamon roll. If there's a slight disruption of logical flow, I apologize, and blame the roll. **edit**
If the government, and the media, react this way to a non crisis, what's going to happen when something really dangerous happens? Are we going to become accustomed to this chronic over-reaction, and just assume it's the same non exciting event? Paranoids of the world have no place to be in my government, or my media for that matter. But to be fair, it stopped being my media quite a long time ago, and "my" government suffers from the same malady.
I was talking to a client of mine who is a nurse, and has been for quite some time, about what would happen if the government took over health care. She was adamantly against it. She knew someone in Canada, which has government sponsored health care, that had to wait 6 weeks for cancer treatment. F*ck that. Free crappy health care < expensive good care.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Commen Sense Conservatism
So I'm sitting with my gf, her dad, the sister, and the sister's bf eating dinner out and about in RSM here in Sunny Southern California. Somehow, in advisably, the dinner talk got around to politics. The topic was brought up by the gf's sister (i think), despite the warning flash from my gf's eyes (Amanda knows how I get excited about this stuff). The gf's sister (we'll call her Emily) was asking something about politics, and we got started talking about how Amanda's dad and myself share a similar view on politics. I mentioned that I describe my political biews as "commen sense conservatism." Emily and/or Amanda kinda snorted, as if to say that conservatism isn't commen sense. I defended myself, but thought that it would make an excellent posting here. So here we go.
Commen sense Conservatism (CSC for short):
1. You can't spend your way out of a recession, so don't try. When people are having to tighten their belts, the government should too.
2. When tough economic times hit, cut taxes. It's a sure fire way to allow business to flourish. (ty Reagan!)
3. All life is precious (Pro-life)
4. Consequently, the best way to make sure that people don't murder is to enforce the death penalty.
5. When pirates/terrorists threaten you, your family, or your citizens, you respond with extreme force. To not respond with force emboldens your enemy, and invites attacks in the future.
Those are a few short things that I could come up with just sitting here. I'm sure there are more, and I'll post them as I see / remember them.
Commen sense Conservatism (CSC for short):
1. You can't spend your way out of a recession, so don't try. When people are having to tighten their belts, the government should too.
2. When tough economic times hit, cut taxes. It's a sure fire way to allow business to flourish. (ty Reagan!)
3. All life is precious (Pro-life)
4. Consequently, the best way to make sure that people don't murder is to enforce the death penalty.
5. When pirates/terrorists threaten you, your family, or your citizens, you respond with extreme force. To not respond with force emboldens your enemy, and invites attacks in the future.
Those are a few short things that I could come up with just sitting here. I'm sure there are more, and I'll post them as I see / remember them.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Twitter, Bobbyt Jindal
Bobby Jindall has a twitter!
Dear heart, stop thy fluttering!
Yes, I have a political man crush on Jindall. Any further questions about why can be seen a few posts below.
Dear heart, stop thy fluttering!
Yes, I have a political man crush on Jindall. Any further questions about why can be seen a few posts below.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Republican Party is Broken, and We Need to Fix It!
I stopped by the store the other day, and answered the phone to a very irate client. It happens from time to time, and so you learn to deal with them angry. It takes a great deal of calm and patience, and usually ends up with them either being more understanding of the situation, or with them demanding to see my manager. Oddly enough, this wasn't either of those phone calls. The lady wanted to know if we could train her on how to use computers. I replied that we did, but that we needed to come out to her house in order to do that, and that it would be $159.00 for one hour. That might seem steep, but that's about what we make doing our usual jobs, and it doesn't make business sense for us to charge any less. The lady was quite unhappy about that, which quickly turned into a rant about how Obama was screwing up our economy, and how fat cat Democrats were ruining everything else. I let the customer know that I agreed with her, but that wasn't enough for this lady. She kept me on the phone for 12 minutes while she complained about everything under the sun, related all to politics. Mostly, I agreed with her on her points, but calling into a computer repair shop to argue politics ... I dunno ... seems counterproductive. At one point, she stopped rambling and told me that I seemed to have a good head on my shoulders, and asked why I wasn't doing something to "change the world." I told her that I was too busy with my real job, and given that I was only 25, not many people would listen anyway. I thought it was funny. She was a little exasperated.
She brought up another interesting point. What the hell happened to the Republican Party? With an ample supply of ammunition, why aren't we fighting back harder? It's almost like no one wants to go after any Democrats for the fear of a counter of what we have done in the past, and almost with good cause. We haven't the best track record in recent times, and it's way past time that we started reforming ourselves. Get ready to take some lumps, own up to some failures, and then start off from there into a platform of less taxes, less social agenda spending, and more political honesty. Tough economic times mean less spending, not more. America is tired of the petty politics, and we need change. Well intentioned policies that are wrong ... are still wrong.
She brought up another interesting point. What the hell happened to the Republican Party? With an ample supply of ammunition, why aren't we fighting back harder? It's almost like no one wants to go after any Democrats for the fear of a counter of what we have done in the past, and almost with good cause. We haven't the best track record in recent times, and it's way past time that we started reforming ourselves. Get ready to take some lumps, own up to some failures, and then start off from there into a platform of less taxes, less social agenda spending, and more political honesty. Tough economic times mean less spending, not more. America is tired of the petty politics, and we need change. Well intentioned policies that are wrong ... are still wrong.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Perspective ... I haz it.
Seriously, this website really puts it in perspective. How much really is 1 Trillion Dollars?
Find out here.
Find out here.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Another Intellectual Tidbit
Challenging someone to prove that Man Made Global Warming exists, offers to give someone 500k for it. Heh.
Challenging someone to prove that Man Made Global Warming exists, offers to give someone 500k for it. Heh.
Daily Republican Quote (since you won't get it in the newspaper)
"Now, instead of working hard so our children can have a better life tomorrow, we are asking our children to work hard so that we don’t have to make tough choices today."
-North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr
found on This Website.
-North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr
found on This Website.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Jindal, O sweet Jindal
What's this? A clean, articulate, Conservative? That's just not possible. But wait, it is. The Louisiana Governor, in the GOP's response to Obama's speech, was right on. I know it's too early to celebrate, but Jindal seems to be just what the Republicans need.
Let me start out by saying that I don't like the tone that he took in the official response to Obama. It was small. I felt like he was talking to some kindergarten kids, and that I was listening in. At first. Then I actually started hearing what he was saying, and realized that he was making complete sense. For weeks, as this Obamunism has been taking affect, my head been screaming no. I haven't been able to put a finger on it. Of course, you can point at the trillions of spending, and the debt left over to children children's children. But I couldn't articulate why I felt that it was wrong. Conservatism was swirling around in my brain, and then suddently, it saw Jindal speaking on screen, and it said yes. Yes to the idea that people, not government, is the answer.
Reuters. The first sentence says it all.
Jindal was also interviewed by the Today Show. First off, I was amazed that they would play Obama's speech in the background while the Governer was talking. Talk about disrespect. That aside, his response to the very tough questions posed to him was right on the money. He started off respectful of Obama, and then just showed where they differed. It's about time that someone stood up and said that enough is enough, and that we aren't going to be snowed anymore. The best point that he brought up was that "there's not enough money in Washington to grow our economy." He's completely right.
Jindal, you shyed away from taking Obama to task, and rightfully so. You don't just go after a sitting President for fun. They have that bully pulpit. But here's the thing. You have tremendously good ammo, and while you are using some of it, I don't think you are being strong enough in your articulation of the mistakes being made by the Obama administration. His ideas are nothing new, it's standard Democrat Party lines, wrapped up and preached by an excellent speaker. We need to point out that Obama has spoken time and time again about how bipartisanship prevailed, and how there was no Pork in this Stimulus Bill. We know that's not the case, and the feeling that I get around Orange County here is that people know it too. Hit on that! I know that you are trying to keep the nice guy routine going, but I'm tired of being trodden on and trounced by the liberal media. Give them some nice juicy soundbites that they can't help but play. What's his approval rating? I keep waiting for the hot air balloon ride that is Obama to come down, but there's strong wind keeping it afloat.
Please, Jindal, be as good as you seem. I'm tired of being excited by politicians, only to have them picked apart by the liberal media, sometimes even rightfully so. If you aren't the new voice of Conservatism, I will be dreadfully disappointed. God bless you sir, and God bless America.
Let me start out by saying that I don't like the tone that he took in the official response to Obama. It was small. I felt like he was talking to some kindergarten kids, and that I was listening in. At first. Then I actually started hearing what he was saying, and realized that he was making complete sense. For weeks, as this Obamunism has been taking affect, my head been screaming no. I haven't been able to put a finger on it. Of course, you can point at the trillions of spending, and the debt left over to children children's children. But I couldn't articulate why I felt that it was wrong. Conservatism was swirling around in my brain, and then suddently, it saw Jindal speaking on screen, and it said yes. Yes to the idea that people, not government, is the answer.
Reuters. The first sentence says it all.
Jindal was also interviewed by the Today Show. First off, I was amazed that they would play Obama's speech in the background while the Governer was talking. Talk about disrespect. That aside, his response to the very tough questions posed to him was right on the money. He started off respectful of Obama, and then just showed where they differed. It's about time that someone stood up and said that enough is enough, and that we aren't going to be snowed anymore. The best point that he brought up was that "there's not enough money in Washington to grow our economy." He's completely right.
Jindal, you shyed away from taking Obama to task, and rightfully so. You don't just go after a sitting President for fun. They have that bully pulpit. But here's the thing. You have tremendously good ammo, and while you are using some of it, I don't think you are being strong enough in your articulation of the mistakes being made by the Obama administration. His ideas are nothing new, it's standard Democrat Party lines, wrapped up and preached by an excellent speaker. We need to point out that Obama has spoken time and time again about how bipartisanship prevailed, and how there was no Pork in this Stimulus Bill. We know that's not the case, and the feeling that I get around Orange County here is that people know it too. Hit on that! I know that you are trying to keep the nice guy routine going, but I'm tired of being trodden on and trounced by the liberal media. Give them some nice juicy soundbites that they can't help but play. What's his approval rating? I keep waiting for the hot air balloon ride that is Obama to come down, but there's strong wind keeping it afloat.
Please, Jindal, be as good as you seem. I'm tired of being excited by politicians, only to have them picked apart by the liberal media, sometimes even rightfully so. If you aren't the new voice of Conservatism, I will be dreadfully disappointed. God bless you sir, and God bless America.
Wow ... just ... wow
Ann Coulter: "But as long as the nation is obsessed with historic milestones, is no one going to remark on what a great country it is where a mentally retarded woman can become speaker of the house? "
I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
Why blame Bush? O, right. He's Republican.
Blame Bush if you will, but this happened a long time before him.
Blame Bush if you will, but this happened a long time before him.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I truly wish I could take credit for this brilliant poster for hope and change. Alas, Soviet Russia (where posters make you!) beat me to it.
You can buy this on a T-shirt at THIS PLACE. The caption for the shirt reads :"Communists and Socialists and Marxists of America unite! We finally have a real president who holds our values dear. We support Obama because he wants to nationalize health care, take money from hard-working Americans to give to the poor, and make one class of people. Hooray for communism! Hooray for Obama! Hooray for Obamunism! (That whole democracy thing just wasn't working out anyway.) So, if you are anti-Obama or anti-Democrat (or just totally in love with Obama's Communism, Socialism, or Marxism...freak,) you want this shirt."
I came across this T-shirt after seeing the poster on Facebook. Just amazing. Of course, I clicked over to BBC news, to see Bernanke decide that IF the government doesn't step in, we are doomed until at least 2010. (See here) Interestingly, the following was said: "Speaking of the concern about bankers benefiting from bail-outs, he added that the country "ought not abstain from saving the financial system just because it rewards people who erred"." There's a reason this is on BBC news, and not CNN.
The solution to this economic downturn is not found in government hands. Not that I'm proclaiming to be an economic genius, but this is common sense. I heard something today as I drove around that really made me think. To summarize, Rush Limbaugh was quoting Ayn Rand as saying something to the affect that the plan of socialists and the ilk are to so bind an industry, hand and foot, so to make survival of it impossible without government intervention. Once this is accomplished, step in and proclaim that the free market and capitalism doesn't work, and that the government needs to be in charge. Does this sound familiar at all? Rush, I don't always agree with you, but ... you can't be far wrong on this one.
You can buy this on a T-shirt at THIS PLACE. The caption for the shirt reads :"Communists and Socialists and Marxists of America unite! We finally have a real president who holds our values dear. We support Obama because he wants to nationalize health care, take money from hard-working Americans to give to the poor, and make one class of people. Hooray for communism! Hooray for Obama! Hooray for Obamunism! (That whole democracy thing just wasn't working out anyway.) So, if you are anti-Obama or anti-Democrat (or just totally in love with Obama's Communism, Socialism, or Marxism...freak,) you want this shirt."
I came across this T-shirt after seeing the poster on Facebook. Just amazing. Of course, I clicked over to BBC news, to see Bernanke decide that IF the government doesn't step in, we are doomed until at least 2010. (See here) Interestingly, the following was said: "Speaking of the concern about bankers benefiting from bail-outs, he added that the country "ought not abstain from saving the financial system just because it rewards people who erred"." There's a reason this is on BBC news, and not CNN.
The solution to this economic downturn is not found in government hands. Not that I'm proclaiming to be an economic genius, but this is common sense. I heard something today as I drove around that really made me think. To summarize, Rush Limbaugh was quoting Ayn Rand as saying something to the affect that the plan of socialists and the ilk are to so bind an industry, hand and foot, so to make survival of it impossible without government intervention. Once this is accomplished, step in and proclaim that the free market and capitalism doesn't work, and that the government needs to be in charge. Does this sound familiar at all? Rush, I don't always agree with you, but ... you can't be far wrong on this one.
Poor Pelosi
I never thought I'd say it. But poor poor Pelosi. Her lips must be blood red from all the lip biting she's been doing to stay silent. Or perhaps the media just isn't listening anymore, in the off chance that someone might read it and think less of the Democrats.
Read THIS LINK to catch up. The link is about the recent cartoon (brilliantly penned), but notice towards the end, where it says "It's about the economic stimulus bill," he added. "If you're going to make that about anybody, it would be [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi, which it's not."
She must be furious. That's the only news outlet that I have seen give her any credit for the bill. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and for sure she's being scorned. Of course, if she wasn't so blatantly shrill in her derision for the Republicans, she would probably be given more credit. As of now, Obama is making like it's all his smooth moves that brought this bi-partisan (ha!) bill about. And Pelosi heads the bill of Democrats who are the most partisan.
I heard on the news (1070) that 67% of people approve of Obama's performance so far. Come again? Practically everyone that I've talked to about it disagree's morally with what's in the bill (read PORK), yet his performace is supposedly up that far? Something smells, and it's not just the "Stimulus" Package.
Read THIS LINK to catch up. The link is about the recent cartoon (brilliantly penned), but notice towards the end, where it says "It's about the economic stimulus bill," he added. "If you're going to make that about anybody, it would be [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi, which it's not."
She must be furious. That's the only news outlet that I have seen give her any credit for the bill. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and for sure she's being scorned. Of course, if she wasn't so blatantly shrill in her derision for the Republicans, she would probably be given more credit. As of now, Obama is making like it's all his smooth moves that brought this bi-partisan (ha!) bill about. And Pelosi heads the bill of Democrats who are the most partisan.
I heard on the news (1070) that 67% of people approve of Obama's performance so far. Come again? Practically everyone that I've talked to about it disagree's morally with what's in the bill (read PORK), yet his performace is supposedly up that far? Something smells, and it's not just the "Stimulus" Package.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
So it seems that Hollywood is at it again. Apparently, because they can act, they can now think too? Ahh, yes, those deep thinkers. The bleating of the offended establishment continued all night at the Oscar's. Sean Penn called upon us to be more ashamed for our votes on Prop 8. Of course, i forget the name of the gay individual who came from a Mormon background, but he comes out (play on words intended) with their real agenda. He said to the anti-8 crowd that in consolation, soon all of America would recognize same sex marriage as a right. California is the next stepping stone, and the inexhaustible political shame train is chugg chugg chugging onward.
Conservatives need to speak up, and point out the facts. The fight is not over! It's not shameful to believe that marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. I strongly believe in the right for political discourse, and have family members who have fought for that right, but this goes too far. When you shamefully plug at every opportunity for your own political agenda, against the will of the people, you go too far. The conveniently overlooked fact is that same sex civil unions have ALL THE RIGHTS that a married couple currently embrace. So what is so wrong about Californians wanting to clearly define marriage? No rights are lost. The commercials are obvious and blatant propaganda for the liberal left to push all of America more and more to the left. We don't agree with you, and just because you might get a judge or two to side with you does not make it right. You say shame on me? I say shame on you for your political shenanigans in such a highly watched and advertised media outlet. We didn't come to see you display your ignorance or complete disregard for the facts. We came to celebrate excellence in acting, not to hear your arrogant blather. Shut it, and just say thank you. We would like you all that much better.
Conservatives need to speak up, and point out the facts. The fight is not over! It's not shameful to believe that marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. I strongly believe in the right for political discourse, and have family members who have fought for that right, but this goes too far. When you shamefully plug at every opportunity for your own political agenda, against the will of the people, you go too far. The conveniently overlooked fact is that same sex civil unions have ALL THE RIGHTS that a married couple currently embrace. So what is so wrong about Californians wanting to clearly define marriage? No rights are lost. The commercials are obvious and blatant propaganda for the liberal left to push all of America more and more to the left. We don't agree with you, and just because you might get a judge or two to side with you does not make it right. You say shame on me? I say shame on you for your political shenanigans in such a highly watched and advertised media outlet. We didn't come to see you display your ignorance or complete disregard for the facts. We came to celebrate excellence in acting, not to hear your arrogant blather. Shut it, and just say thank you. We would like you all that much better.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Come again?
So I got an email today saying that John McCain is going to run again in 2012. What? Why? What we need is a good fiscal Republican, conservative to the core. Something completely opposite from our current president. Not someone who's almost more Democrat then Republican. I hope that the GOP realizes that as well.
I hope that the movement to have Palin nominated has legs. She has the power to revitalize the GOP in a way no candidate has done since Reagan.
People know deep down that spending more money is not the way to get our of Recession. You need to cut extra programs, and cut taxes, and who's the party who is better at that? Republicans ... or at least they used to be. Brings me to my pet peeve ... Republicans who are Republican in name only. What happened to the things that we stood for? Conservatism is practically dead, killed from the inside. I don't know when we became unpopular. The right to life, pro-death penalty, strong on Defense, cutting taxes ... all of these things have recently become less then popular. Why? The attitude that the government owes ME something has definitely helped this recession grow.
I hope that the movement to have Palin nominated has legs. She has the power to revitalize the GOP in a way no candidate has done since Reagan.
People know deep down that spending more money is not the way to get our of Recession. You need to cut extra programs, and cut taxes, and who's the party who is better at that? Republicans ... or at least they used to be. Brings me to my pet peeve ... Republicans who are Republican in name only. What happened to the things that we stood for? Conservatism is practically dead, killed from the inside. I don't know when we became unpopular. The right to life, pro-death penalty, strong on Defense, cutting taxes ... all of these things have recently become less then popular. Why? The attitude that the government owes ME something has definitely helped this recession grow.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
That Sweet Sirenic Call
I'm calling upon all sane and able bodied men and women to take notice. Has we not had enough? The canonization of Obama by the media is driving me nuts. Since when did we decide to let CNN and NBC make our decisions? And while i'm on it, why is it a good idea to spend near a trillion dollars to "restart" the economy? Why is that the governments job? Also, did you see the breakdown of Obama's new plan to save Gotham? Millions go into the most random things. I'm tempted to agree with Rush Limbaugh on this one. It's clearly an attempt by the Socialist Democrats to buy more power. I kid, but I can't for the life of me see how an intelligent, reasoned individual can buy this tripe.
Al Roker cracks me up. He was like a kid in a candy store when Obama greeted him. Not that I blame him, but he acted like a giddy schoolgirl.
peace out until something irks me again.
Al Roker cracks me up. He was like a kid in a candy store when Obama greeted him. Not that I blame him, but he acted like a giddy schoolgirl.
peace out until something irks me again.
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