Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Come again?

So I got an email today saying that John McCain is going to run again in 2012. What? Why? What we need is a good fiscal Republican, conservative to the core. Something completely opposite from our current president. Not someone who's almost more Democrat then Republican. I hope that the GOP realizes that as well.

I hope that the movement to have Palin nominated has legs. She has the power to revitalize the GOP in a way no candidate has done since Reagan.

People know deep down that spending more money is not the way to get our of Recession. You need to cut extra programs, and cut taxes, and who's the party who is better at that? Republicans ... or at least they used to be. Brings me to my pet peeve ... Republicans who are Republican in name only. What happened to the things that we stood for? Conservatism is practically dead, killed from the inside. I don't know when we became unpopular. The right to life, pro-death penalty, strong on Defense, cutting taxes ... all of these things have recently become less then popular. Why? The attitude that the government owes ME something has definitely helped this recession grow.

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